Round 17: February 2027
Max Fielding is 71 and Regan is 63.
(Lilly Fielding is 22 and Naomi Parker is 4.)
Narrated by Max
Lilly got a teaching job at Allerdale Elementary School right after graduation. She lived in an awful dump in Exmoor for a while but now she's moved to Allerdale. She says she loved living in the city but commuting to work every day would have been a pain. She bought a small house that had been vacant for a few years. It was quite cheap and didn't require a lot of fixing after all. We did most of the work ourselves so all in all it didn't cost much to get the house just the way she likes. Some of her stuff was stored at our house while she lived in Exmoor but I think we've finally managed to bring all the boxes over to her place.