Thursday 23 January 2020

Happy Birthday, November 2027

Erin and Toby Parker are thrilled to be able to finally tell everyone about Erin's pregnancy now that she has passed 12 weeks. 4-year-old Naomi is very excited about becoming a big sister. The baby is due in May 2028.

Erin still can't help but worry a little after the devastating miscarriage she suffered just last December. She is determined to do whatever it takes to ensure this pregnancy goes smoothly so she is planning to talk to her boss about doing less hours at the office.


  • Yay, a baby for Erin and Toby! I'm going to take very good care of Erin because I don't want a repetition of what happened with her last pregnancy.

Monday 20 January 2020

Everybody breaks

Round 17: October 2027

Tina Robinson is 39, Tim is 6 and Michael is 3.

Narrated by Tina.

Kurt passed away last December and it hasn't been easy for anyone of us to get used to the fact that he's not here. I took some time off work both for my own and the boys' sake but at least to me getting back to our normal daily routines has helped dealing with the grief. Obviously the boys are still so small that even Tim barely understands the concept of someone dying but as time has gone by they both have started to understand that their dad isn't coming back.

Monday 6 January 2020

Happy now

Round 17: September 2027

Sara Midlock is 18.
(Emily and Frieda are 19.)

Narrated by Sara Midlock.

I feel like I'm more used to the gruelling schedule now than I was during my first semester. I used to be totally exhausted every night but I've worked out a system that works for me. After our midday practise I often come back to the dorm, get some lunch and take a nap.