Friday 17 April 2020

Happy Birthday, January 2028

Here are the birthday boys and girls!

Ava Greene turns 4 this year. She's really excited about starting school but she's even more excited about becoming a big sister. Her mommy has three babies in her belly and they'll be born any minute now.

Briony Newman has a lot in common with Ava. She's also turning 4 and starting school and there will be a new baby in her family this year too - although just one, not three!

Little Michael Robinson is also starting school this year which means he gets to spend more time with his big brother Tim.

Connor Harper is one of the four new students at Wellington High School this year. Connor isn't too bothered about starting high school but he thinks it might be fun.

Naturally Connor's twin brother Dane is joining him in Grade 7. Teachers should be on the look-out for these two, they can be quite mischievous at times.

James Cooper is pretty outspoken as well but he's more of a serious bookworm type. James's dad is secretly hoping that James will follow in his footsteps and join the army one day but James will more likely pursue a more academic career.

Lina Marlowe is the last of her siblings to start high school and her sisters and brother have told her all about it so she already knows what to expect. Lina is a pretty ambitious girl so she's very likely to keep up her good grades even in the turmoils of teenage hormones.

Riley Cooper has moved to Brixton University but he hasn't picked a major yet. His mom was able to talk him out of entering the ROTC program but luckily Riley did pretty well on his WAS score so his parents will only have to cough up half-tuition. Riley lives in the same dorm with his cousin Sara.

  • It is officially year 2028 in Wellington! The sim profiles as well as the student index have been updated for the new year. You may notice that I no longer post the sims's lifetime wants in their profiles. This is for the simple reason that I don't really pay that much attention to the LTW anymore. For some sims they might be spot-on but for some they don't make sense at all so they don't get to determine my sims' lives.
  • I've also updated the City Council page since Elissa Cooper retired from the police force last year. Her place in the Council has been taken over by Anthony Midlock who now holds the highest position in the Law Enforcement career.
  • In celebration of the new year we also have a new banner for the blog starring Nick Harris.
  • Once again I have come to hate my dorm buildings. The lots and the buildings are too big so I might either download a Maxis makeover dorm or just redo one myself to get a bit more compact lots for my students to live in. Also Riley is currently assigned to a double room and his room mate is a girl so there's also that to consider LOL.
  • Last but not least: I hope everyone is safe during the pandemic!


  1. Everyone is looking so good but Riley is especially is so handsome! I like his scruff!

    Hope you're staying safe too!

    1. I was pleasantly surprised with Riley's look as an adult and I feel like he's the perfect combination of his parents.

      Luckily I live in the countryside so it's pretty easy to avoid other people and I'm currently out of job so I can stay home. Both me and my mom (who is 82 years old) are doing fine so far. Thanks! :)

      Thanks for your comment! :)
