Monday 20 January 2020

Everybody breaks

Round 17: October 2027

Tina Robinson is 39, Tim is 6 and Michael is 3.

Narrated by Tina.

Kurt passed away last December and it hasn't been easy for anyone of us to get used to the fact that he's not here. I took some time off work both for my own and the boys' sake but at least to me getting back to our normal daily routines has helped dealing with the grief. Obviously the boys are still so small that even Tim barely understands the concept of someone dying but as time has gone by they both have started to understand that their dad isn't coming back.

I try to spend as much time with the boys as I can but I'm working long hours so in the mornings I wake them up, we have breakfast and then the nanny takes over when I go to work. Tim usually plays with Michael before he goes to school.

I felt really guilty about leaving the boys with the nanny which of course didn't make any sense because she has been working for us even before Michael was born. She gets along well with both boys. Kurt left us enough money so that I could pay off our mortgage and put aside some money for the boys' future. So financially we're doing alright even if everything else feels like falling apart most of the times.

The boys have been wanting a pet for a long time and I finally gave in. We decided to get a small dog and I even let the boys name her. So now we have a Jack Russell terrier called Waffle. The boys adore her and so far she's behaved pretty well so I don't have any complaints either.

Still it's not easy being the only adult in the house. With my work, the boys and all the household chores sleep is not very high on my list of things to do. Not to mention sleeping alone in our bed isn't exactly easy even when I actually get to go to lie down. Some days I feel like I'm barely functioning with the help of too much coffee. Rationally I know that the grieving process takes time but a big part of me that wishes there was a shortcut.

  • Title from "Everybody breaks" by Ivan & Alyosha
  • Poor Tina is really struggling, she's low on fun and energy almost all the time. All her wants seem to revolve around finding a new husband (flirt, go on date, fall in love) so she's constantly in a bad mood. I'm not opposed to the idea of her finding someone new but right now it's still too early.
  • I've decided to keep my play schedule for this round pretty much as it is but updates will most likely be short like this. It was actually kind of fun just play and take a few photos here and there.


  1. Short updates work well for me as a reader, too, since most of my blog reading is done with my morning coffee and muesli before work :-)
    When my late husband's father died, he was 12 years old, and one of the things he used to say that really helped him was that he was finally allowed to have a dog.
    Poor Tina! I am sure she will find happiness again.

    1. Good to know that short updates work for you. :)

      Pets can be a great comfort and they're also pretty fun to play with in game.
      Tina will most likely find someone new when the time is right. I'd really love to see her happy again.

      Thanks for your comment. :)

  2. Tina is doing pretty well, considering. Taking care of two kids and holding down a full time job isn't easy even when your husband hasn't just died. She's got a lot on her plate.

    The boys are both so cute! I love the family portrait.

    1. I agree that Tina's doing quite well, it hasn't been that long since Kurt's death yet. It'll get easier in time.

      I'm so glad I found a few poseboxes for toddlers because it has made family portraits so much easier. I'm quite happy with how this turned out.

      Thanks for your comment. :)
