Thursday 23 January 2020

Happy Birthday, November 2027

Erin and Toby Parker are thrilled to be able to finally tell everyone about Erin's pregnancy now that she has passed 12 weeks. 4-year-old Naomi is very excited about becoming a big sister. The baby is due in May 2028.

Erin still can't help but worry a little after the devastating miscarriage she suffered just last December. She is determined to do whatever it takes to ensure this pregnancy goes smoothly so she is planning to talk to her boss about doing less hours at the office.


  • Yay, a baby for Erin and Toby! I'm going to take very good care of Erin because I don't want a repetition of what happened with her last pregnancy.


  1. Looking forward to seeing Erin and Toby's new baby! My sims who miscarry always get treated with kid gloves for forever afterwards whenever they're pregnant!

    1. I'm very excited about my game and sims at the moment so hopefully it won't take too long for baby Parker to make an appearance. I will be watching Erin's motives like a hawk whenever I play them.

      Thanks for your comment. :)
