Monday 28 December 2020


As you might have noticed, I have been very inactive with the blog (again). My old PC has reached a state where it takes about 10 - 15 minutes to even get the thing running so I haven't actually even started the PC for weeks, let alone tried loading my game. I have a laptop for studying and light gaming but I doubt that it would run TS2 and I don't have the time and energy to install the game + all the EPs to even try.

I will leave the blog as it is for now and maybe at some point if I'm able to afford to buy a proper gaming PC I will give my sims another try but for the unseeable future this blog will not be updated. It kind of breaks my heart to write this but it is what it is.

Thank you for all the years you've stayed with me and my sims. Just hit me up in twitter or via email if you have any questions or just want to talk for old times sake. Or leave a comment here (I will try to remember to check if there are new comments from time to time).

Lots of love,



  1. I've always enjoyed reading your blog and interacting with you over the years, so this is sad! But what can you do, you know? Glad you'll still be around on Twitter. :)

    1. You were my inspiration to start blogging and I've really enjoyed our interactions. I'm still hoping I can buy a new PC soon but it really depends on so many things that I'm not getting my hopes up.

      Thanks for your kind words and I'll see you on Twitter (and in Sullivan, I still read it occasionally). :)

  2. Thank you for many hours of reading, it was always good to spot an update on your blog. I understand about the old PC, mine is getting towards the natural end of its life, too, and starting the game takes much longer than it should.
    Hopefully, you will soon be able to buy another computer - and have made a backup of your game data, unless of course you see a new PC also as a fresh start for your game.

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words. You've been such a loyal reader! I actually have a backup of my whole TS2 folder on my external hard drive so if I do get a new PC I will continue with Wellington.

      Thanks again for leaving a comment and take care! :)

  3. I am only now seeing this and want to tell you that I will miss your writing and your artwork (and the shots are art) and that I do understand how it looks to come to the end of the long affair that has been the sims 2. Thank you for sharing, and I hope you find another way to continue to share your creative energy!

    1. Sorry it took me so long to publish your comment! I was actually able to buy a new computer just a couple of days ago and will hopefully continue with this blog soon.

      Thank you for leaving such a nice comment! :)

    2. I hope it works for you! I know how difficult it can be to manage and solve both computer and other problems in order to do something creative, something that gives both you and others a lot of joy.

      In between struggling to do some sort of final thing with my own years-long thing, I've run into problems with Blogger including the fact that it's cancelling the ability to order post notices sent by email. I hope you find a way to announce your posts when you continue, and, selfishly, including something other than tumblr. I've struggled with that thing just about enough too. Anyway, I really hope you do find a way to continue, and thank you so much for sending me a note about the comment - lifts my day!

    3. I got my game back up and running! It was really difficult to get the game working because it's basically not compatible with my new computer because it's such an old game. But it's working and I've been able to play. I have already published one story update and another one is scheduled to be published next week. If you're on Twitter then you can follow me there @wellingtonsims. I'll try to remember to post links to new blog posts there as well. Thanks again for your kind words and good luck with your own project. :)
