Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Summer 2015 birthdays

Tom Patterson graduated from Brixton University and has moved back to Wellington. He was able to get a job as a Security Guard right after graduation.

He has rented a teeny tiny room at Mrs. Parson's Boarding House in Allerdale while his girlfriend Dixie is still in college. They will get a bigger apartment together after Dixie's graduation.

Grace and Sam Cooper are expecting their third child due in winter 2016. They just moved into their new home so there's plenty of room for a new baby.

Their twins Madelyn and Ross are very anxious to meet their new sibling. Ross is hoping for a baby brother so he'd have someone to play with.

  • Grace and Sam live in one of the renewed town houses in Wellington. They both rolled the want for a baby right after they moved and tried autonomously.


  1. I love your birthday posts. A few questions:

    WCIF the recolor for blake's modular seating that's behind Tom in his room? Also WCIF Grace's top? The fabric looks familar, like Erin's skirts.

    The twins are cute perched on the bed, what animation/interaction is that? Is it the relax/daydream?

  2. Yeah on another baby. Agreed, the twins are darling on the bed in the photo.

    Tom's in the real world now. From the second photo, I'd say he doesn't have a lot of space in his new pad.

  3. How cute are the twins on the bed?! Especially Madelyn holding her feet like that!

  4. Thanks for reading :)

    Apple Valley, the sofa recolor is here: http://modthesims.info/download.php?t=272161

    Check out the "Related pages" tab in Blake's posts, you'll find many other recolors there.

    Grace's top is actually part of the outfit, it comes with the H&M stuff pack.

    I think the twins were just relaxing, I wasn't paying much attention to them after I made them relax.

    Maisie, Tom really doesn't have much space, I think his "apartment" is 4 x 4 or something. There's only room for a single bed, I tried and tried but couldn't get a double bed in there!

    Carla, I wanted to include the twins in the pic somehow and they almost managed to steal their parents' thunder LOL They are really cute and I just love all the kids' animations.
