Monday, 2 November 2009

Summer 2013 birthdays

Skye Marlowe has her first birthday. She has her mother's nose but her eyes and mouth are definitely from her father's side of the family.

Skye won't be the only child for long since her parents are expecting a new baby in the winter 2014!

Skye's cousin Iona Fielding is only a few weeks younger so she turns 1 in the summer too. Iona's mom Erin will start university next year so they are preparing to move to Brixton soon.

Iona looks a lot like her father Greg.

  • As you might have guessed it wasn't her nerves that made Nyah throw up on her wedding day, it was morning sickness.


  1. Oh man, they are so sweet. I'm really curious to see what Skye will look like as she gets older!
